Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Opportunities, short films and Auditions

Well time seems to be slipping though my fingers lately. Since my last blog I have been for 2 auditions. One was actually held in the Penrith Plaza behind the MacDonalds with my 9 year old daughter holding the camera. The role was highly emotive and I had to cry....not an easy task at 3 in the afternoon with your children off camera eating ice-cream and another looking at you through a mobile phone camera lens. But done none the less. Unfortunately they were looking for someone a little more slutty then I and with blonde hair. Hey if they had of really wanted me I could have vamped up the look and dyed my hair. I am learning to just accept the no and move on. No point in trying to convince someone you are better for a role then they think. it is their vision and if I am not a part of that vision then so be it. Disappointing for my son who was meant to be in it with me.........poor bugger.........

I decided to concentrate on doing a short film. I had some ideas in my head and as my late teens were not the easiest for me (or my entire first 22 years really lol) I was able to draw from some of my experiences. I had quiet a few perks of interest which really encouraged me. My older brother had a peek and asked me to hold on to it. Not that I could really do anything with it at this stage anyway. It has certainly encouraged me to write more. I have done a first draft of another one. I am about to expose my first one to be critiqued, and if all goes well I am hoping to steal a portion of my brothers brain at Christmas to finally begin the screen play on our grandfather. I am expecting to not have it finished for an entire decade soooo starting it now is probably the best option. Lucky my brother is a successfull.....about to be and I can steal his talent.

In the mean time I have just been watching opportunities walk on by. It has been a little heartbreaking. But my family comes first of course. Timing has been the operative word these days and none of it has been in sink. I have had to turn down 4 auditions and 2 film roles thus far just due to having no one to care for the children (Geoff works 7 days). But never one to give up I am determined to troupe on. Writing.........working on my show reel and playing with head shots.........

Sooo stay tuned to see what I have been up to next.........I am sure it will be BIG!!!